How Do You Pray for Lost People
How To Pray For Lost People
We often talk about praying for the lost, but what does that mean in practical terms for your prayer life?
Here are a few things I specifically pray about when I pray for those who are not followers of Jesus.
I pray specifically by name for those I know who are not believers. I ask God to provide opportunities for me to speak a word for Jesus.
I ask God to help me recognize those opportunities to talk about why Jesus matters. I try to listen to stories and pay attention to conversation. And I listen for openings to say a word for my faith.
I constantly ask God to help me know the right words to say, the right invitation to extend, the right story to share.
I ask God for the courage to speak.
And I pray for me to recognize the other people God might put in my life that need Jesus.
Some may thing that all I do is look for openings and opportunities to speak about Jesus.
After all, if I make a friend and never talk about Jesus — then either I am not really their friend. Or I am not really a friend of Jesus.
Make disciples.
So God please put people that do not know you into my life. Help me see the opportunities you give me, help me know what to say, and give me the courage to speak up.
-Steve Ridgell