Why Christians Are Good Neighbors
Why Christians Are Good Neighbors
Christians are good neighbors, good citizens, and good people. Neighborhoods are better when Christians move in. Neighborhoods become better when families become Christians.
But why? Why are Christians good neighbors?
Is it because we are good people? Yes. Jesus has made us holy and righteous. We Christians live to a different standard. We put other people ahead of ourselves. We love people in concrete and meaningful ways. We are nice. We help our neighbors. We have loving hearts, open homes, and willing hands.
Are we good neighbors because of Jesus? Of course. We love the unlovable. We use our time, our energy, and our resources. Because that is what Jesus did. That is how Jesus lived. We try to see people and treat people the way Jesus would. We pledged to be his disciples, his followers. So we try and be his hands and feet among our neighbors.
Are we good neighbors because we want to make them into disciples of Jesus? Certainly. We are Christ’s ambassadors in our neighborhoods engaged in the ministry of reconciliation. Our neighbors are people for whom Christ died. They need to know that good news.
All of these are reasons we Christians are good neighbors. and they are all valid.
We are good neighbors because the Jesus way changes people. Old becomes new. So we are good people and that makes us good neighbors.
We are good neighbors because Jesus was a good neighbor and we are his disciples. So we serve and help our neighbors.
We are good neighbors because we desperately want the opportunity to speak a word about Jesus. The way we live and serve opens doors of opportunity to share our faith.
Good neighbors.
Because of Jesus.
Because of what he has done for us.
And because of what he can do for them.
-Steve Ridgell