By His Stripes, We Are Healed

The love of Jesus is evident throughout the Gospels. From the beginning of his ministry, Jesus exemplifies love.
But do we deserve it? Well, the quick answer is “no.” We don’t deserve it. We suffer from a disease called sin, and we can’t do anything about it ourselves. And God knew that. Jesus knew that. And that is why Jesus humbled himself and left heaven to take on the form of man. He knew he had to be the sacrificial lamb because we ourselves wouldn’t be able to span the gap we create between us and God.
We are separated because of the choices we make. It’s our own fault, but because the Father loves us so much, he sent his only Son to take our place. He came to satisfy our debt. He came to reclaim us as sinners.
He also came to pardon us. He was rejected by the people he came to save, and still, he went through the pain so we didn’t have to. Praise God!
Jesus went through abandonment from the Father to take our place. His death, burial and resurrection provided us access to God. Through our baptism (which signifies our death, burial and resurrection into new life), we have the ability to enter the throne room of the Most High.
Because of God’s love and Jesus’ stripes we are healed. Isaiah says it in Chapter 53, and we know it because Romans 5:6-10 says that while we were weak, Christ died for the ungodly. He died for me. He died for you. And no sin, no past is too rugged or too bad for the blood of Jesus to not cover and wash white as snow through our baptism into his family.
What a wonderful thing love is…and aren’t we thankful that Jesus loved us enough to pay our debt and redeem us so we can experience eternity with God!?!
– Joey Roberts, Herald of Truth Ministries