Domestic Ministry is Important

About once a month I am asked, “What is the Herald of Truth doing to reach the lost in the United States of America?” When asked this, I happily reply we are doing everything we can to encourage, equip and engage the local church in evangelism in their local community and to also reach the lost ourselves.
As you may recall, in January we announced a commitment to expand our domestic ministry in a ten-year effort to create an evangelism movement here at home. We call it, Mission: Evangelize America. Through this mission, we are now engaged in making our Lord’s commission great again. With God’s help, we will do it!
Oh yes, this is an ambitious mission! But we serve an ambitious God! Nothing is too big for Him. For His glory, we are working with churches and ministries to reach communities with the gospel of Christ. Our aim is to first build relationships with our neighbors and then share Jesus with them. You may ask, who is our neighbor? They are Muslim and Arabic neighbors, the American Indians, the incarcerated, the visually and hearing impaired, and the refugees and immigrants and everyone else who needs Jesus. All right here in our communities in the United States. Our neighbors are all people we can reach with the truth.
Also, we are working with struggling churches, helping them get back to evangelism in their communities.
We are preparing to use mass media to blanket the nation with the good news of Christ. Be on the lookout for advertisements, YouTube videos, Bible studies and much more that are designed to not only tell people about the churches of Christ, but hopefully drive them to a local church. We want everyone to hear the story of Jesus! And not just hear it, but experience it like you and I have.
Soon we will open the Herald of Truth School of Evangelism and train evangelists who will specialize in reaching the lost and teaching the saved to do the same. All to the glory of God!
We want to Evangelize America because we want the next generation, like the girl pictured above, to know and love the Lord. We want the Church to be around for our grandkids and their grandkids. We want to leave a legacy of Truth for generations to come.
Yes, the Herald of Truth is doing everything we can to encourage, equip and engage the local church in evangelism in their local community and to reach the lost ourselves. But we need your prayers and your partnership. Please consider giving $BBB or whatever you can to help us reach both the lost here at home and the future generations. I am thankful you are willing to join us in this work as we strive to stir up our churches and communities for the cause of Christ right here in the United States.
I look forward to hearing from you, and as always, Press On!
Greg Swindle