Not an April Fool’s Joke

Watch where you sit. Look around carefully. Treat every phone call with suspicion. Especially if it is good news. Trust no one. These are just a few of my April Fool’s Day rules. April Fools. The one day of the year when we are encouraged to fool each other. Fake each other out. And the most basic April Fool’s joke is to try and convince someone of something amazing. Only to holler “April Fools” just when they are finally convinced it is true.
Because if it seems too good to be true it usually is.
But here is good news that is true.
The holy God wants you and me to live with him forever. There is just one problem. None of us are holy because of our sin. Sin that separates us from the holy God.
So God sent his Son to live in this world like we do. He was tempted like us. But unlike us, he never sinned. Then he died on a cross to pay for sin. Not his sin, but my sin. Your sin.
Some may think this is a bunch of foolishness. The apostle Paul admitted as much in I Corinthians 1:18. But for those that believe, it is the power of salvation.
Jesus died for our sins so we could live with him and his Father forever.
It is not too good to be true. There is no punch line ready with a “got you.”
It really is good news to me because I believe it.
It is good news for you too. Believe it. And if you do believe, tell someone else the good news that Jesus died for them.
And that is not an April Fool’s joke.
– Steve Ridgell, Herald of Truth Ministries