Church Surveys
for church leadership
These surveys and planning documents will be beneficial to churches of all sizes. You may reproduce these surveys and documents for your congregation. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Strategic Evangelism Plan: This document is to be used to assess the evangelistic involvement of your congregation, plan future evangelistic events and more.
Congregational Planning Document: Use this document to plan out events, ministries, goals, etc.
Ministry Determination and Review: This document can be used to evaluate current and future ministries.
Leadership Questionnaire: This questionnaire should be completed by each elder, deacon, minister and ministry leaders in your congregation.
13 Questions to Ask Your Church: This document guides leadership through important questions to ask your congregation.
Spiritual Gifts Assesment: This questionnaire helps leadership and members determine their spiritual gifts.
Church Member Survey: This short questionnaire helps leadership assess the membership.
Congregational Survey: This questionnaire is more in-depth and digs deeper into church members’ standing on the current state of the church, issues/positives of the congregation and much more.